Plan Administration

Plan Sponsors

The Plan is jointly sponsored by the employers and the employees who participate in the Plan.  Employees are represented by the Civic Pension and Benefits Committee which appoints Employee Representatives to the Sponsor Board and Administrative Board.


Sponsor Board

The Sponsor Board consists of seven Employer Representatives and seven Employee Representatives and those individuals are responsible for establishing, reviewing, and revising Plan benefits.  Any amendment to the Plan must be agreed to by the Plan Sponsors.

Two Retiree Representatives are also appointed to the Sponsor Board (one appointed by the employers and one appointed by the Civic Pension and Benefits Committee).  Retiree Representatives are non-voting members of the Sponsor Board.

Questions or comments regarding Plan design or changes to the Plan should be directed to the following Sponsor Board representatives:

Employer Representatives
Employee Representatives
Byron Werry Joanne Alexiuk
Barry Lacey Jackie Christianson
Lynn Sanya Janet Davies
Trent Szabo Michelle Laycock
Gail Kruger Bryan Looker
Ryan Johnson Wendy Peart
Michael Sliva


Administrative Board

The Plan is administered by a Board of Trustees consisting of 12 voting members. Six Employer Representatives are appointed by the Participating Employers and six Employee Representatives are appointed by the Civic Pension and Benefits Committee. Both the Participating Employers and the Pension and Benefits Committee may also appoint two non-voting alternate representatives.  Please visit the Board page for a list of the current Administrative Board members.

The Administrative Board is responsible for the administration of the Plan as legislated by The Pension Benefits Act, 1992 (Saskatchewan) and in accordance with the terms of Appendix “B” to the Sponsorship AgreementThe Administrative Board is not responsible for Plan design.  The responsibilites of the Administrative Board include:

  • compliance with pension legislation;
  • delegation of operational activities to Möbius Benefit Administrators Inc.;
  • preparation of the audited financial statements;
  • ensuring the Plan is able to meet pension obligations as they occur as well as the long-term solvency of the Plan;
  • ensuring all assets of the fund are kept separate and apart from the assets of the Employers;
  • making investments in accordance with relevant legislation;
  • defining risk and outlining appropriate risk management practices;
  • ensuring the various investment managers are managing fund assets in an appropriate manner and in compliance with the Statement of Investment Policies & Procedures; and
  • developing and implementing policy documents to support the objectives of the Plan.


Möbius Benefit Administrators Inc.

The operational activities of the Plan are performed by Möbius Benefit Administrators Inc.